
7月16日 GLAFS主催・国際ワークショップ開催


本郷キャンパス工学部第11号館1階講堂にて、GLAFS主催の国際ワークショップ「ヨーロッパ福祉国家における高齢者ケア:変わりゆく家族の役割」が開催されました。 司会はジョン・キャンベル先生(ミシガン大学名誉教授)。最初に演壇に立たれたのはBirgit Pfau-Effinger先生(ハンブルグ大学グローバリゼーション・ガバナンスセンター教授/南デンマーク大学福祉国家研究センター教授)で、「ヨーロッパ福祉国家の新概念:家族による介護労働」と題して、ヨーロッパ福祉国家におけるケア政策の新旧比較を交えながら、家族によるケア労働の新たな概念化がフォーマルなケア労働とインフォーマルなケア労働の関係にどのような影響を与えているのか、ご報告いただきました。 次のHildegard Theobald先生(ヴェヒタ大学老年医学研究所教授)は「民間型と公共型の家庭的ケア:ドイツの変わりゆく包括ケア提供形態」というテーマで、ドイツの介護保険における新たな展開として、移民介護労働者への依存の増大、公共・民間サービスを使った新たな住居形態、施設ケアの動向についてご紹介いただきました。 お二人のご講演を踏まえて上野千鶴子先生(東京大学名誉教授)には、日本のケアの現状のご報告と話題提供をしていただき、その後、キャンベル先生を交えてパネルディスカッションが行われました。 ヨーロッパと日本のケア・システムの相違点や各国がどの方向に向かおうとしているかがよくわかる、実りの多いワークショップでした。
iwo_1 ワークショップの開会挨拶をするコーディネーターのJohn Creighton Campbell先生
iwo_3 Birgit Pfau-Effinger先生
Birgit Pfau-Effinger先生の講演資料はこちらから
iwo_2 Hildegard Theobald先生
Hildegard Theobald先生の講演資料はこちらから
iwo_4 上野千鶴子先生
iwo_5 各先生の講演の後、活発なディスカッションが行われました
iwo_6 John Creighton Campbell先生

GLAFS International Workshop

GLAFS hosted an international workshop in the first floor auditorium of Engineering building #11 on the University of Tokyo’s Hongo Campus. The theme of the workshop was “Old-Age Care in European Welfare States: Changing Family Roles.” Welfare states in Europe developed long-term care systems many years ago.  Along with increasing numbers of frail older people—particularly with dementia—as well as intensified financial pressures, there is new interest in the roles family members might play in old-age caregiving.  Two leading German specialists reviewed these trends. Dr. Campbell (Emeritus Professor of Political Science, University of Michigan) acted as master of ceremonies. The 1st presenter on the stage was Birgit Pfau-Effinger, Professor of Sociology and Scientific Director at the Centre for Globalisation and Governance, University of Hamburg, and Professor for Comparative Welfare State Research, University of Southern Denmark. In her presentation, titled ”New concepts of care work by family members in European welfare states,” she discussed how the new conceptualization of “Home Care Work by Family Members” has affected formal and informal home care work. she also compared old and new home care policies in European welfare states. The next presenter was Hildegard Theobald, Professor at the Institute of Gerontology, University of Vechta. Her presentation, ”Private and public family-like care: Changing forms of comprehensive care provision in Germany,” introduced the present circumstances relating to the increasing number of immigrant care-givers, housing styles (using public and private services), and nursing home trends as new developments for long-term care insurance in Germany. Following these presentations, Chizuko Ueno, Emeritus Professor at the University of Tokyo, introduced the present circumstances of home care in Japan. Lastly, the event concluded with a panel discussion with Professor Campbell. The participants had an opportunity to learn about the differences between home care services in Japan and in European countries and the direction in which each country is heading.
iwo_1 Workshop Opening Address: John Creighton Campbell, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, University of Michigan
iwo_3 Birgit Pfau-Effinger, Professor of Sociology and Scientific Director, Centre for Globalisation and Governance, University of Hamburg; Professor for Comparative Welfare State Research, University of Southern Denmark Please click here for for Prof. Pfau-Effinger’s presentation materials.
iwo_2 Hildegard Theobald, Professor at the Institute of Gerontology, University of Vechta Please click here for Prof.Theobald’s presentation materials.
iwo_4 Chizuko Ueno, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, The University of Tokyo
iwo_5 After presentations from each professor, there was a lively discussion.
iwo_6 Prof. John Creighton Campbell