

evening1 2014年7月17日の第1回イブニングサロンでは、西上特任助教から、介護施設での高齢者の転倒、骨折事故の裁判例を取りあげた報告がなされました。
evening2 ディスカッションでは、介護施設や医療機関でどのくらい事故が起きており、どの程度防ぎえるものなのかという統計的な視点からのアプローチが、裁判で現れた事業者の責任を考えるうえでも必要ではないか、との指摘や、裁判結果に対する高齢者とその家族の気持ち、また、なぜ裁判という手段をとらなければならなかったかを、参加者で検討しました。
evening3 法学政治学研究科の樋口範雄教授も駆けつけ、問題提起。
evening4 これからも幅広い話題を扱っていきますので、ご期待ください。

GLAFS and the IOG hosted a “Salon” event to facilitate and deepen academic exchanges and communication among researchers, students, faculty, and staff.
evening1 On July 17th at the 1st “Evening Salon,” Assistant Professor Nishigami reported judicial precedents of trials which occurred as a result of accidents (falls, broken bones) at nursing homes.
evening2 In discussions, participants considered a statistical approach to the number of accidents which occur at nursing homes and medical institutions, to what extent such cases are preventable, and how best to take into account the responsibilities of the nursing homes and medical institutions. Talks also covered the mental states of both elderly individuals and their families, and why they felt they had to take legal actions in cases where accidents occurred.
evening3 Prof. Norio Higuchi at The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Law and Politics rushed in to express concerns regarding the issues.
evening4 The IOG will cover a broad range of topics, so please expect more information to come!