
10月30日 “Aging in Place” Meeting にオランダ王国国王・王妃両陛下ご出席


オランダ王国国王・王妃両陛下、高齢社会総合研究機構主催のシンポジウム 「“Aging in Place” Meeting」にご出席。

10月30日、東京大学農学部弥生講堂にて開催された高齢社会総合研究機構主催のシンポジウム「“Aging in Place” Meeting」にオランダ王国国王・王妃両陛下がご出席されました。 濱田純一東京大学総長、柏市の秋山浩保市長、厚生労働省•原勝則厚生労働審議官のスピーチの後、秋山弘子高齢社会総合研究機構特任教授が機構の取り組み“Aging in Place” について説明。 オランダ側から在宅ケア組織ビュートゾルフについての発表と続きました。 その後、両陛下は柏市在住の“生きがい就労”のメンバーやココファン豊四季台で地域包括ケアシステムの構築に取り組むスタッフの方たちとご歓談。写真はその時のものです。


their Royal Highnesses of the Kingdom of the Netherlands attended the “Aging in Place” symposium

On October 30th, Their Royal Highnesses of the Kingdom of the Netherlands attended the “Aging in Place” symposium, a meeting hosted by the Institute of Gerontology in Yayoi auditorium at the Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo. After speeches by President Junichi Hamada, mayor Hiroyasu Akiyama of Kashiwa city, and Katusnori Hara (Vice-Minister for the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare), Project Professor Hiroko Akiyama of the IOG explained the efforts of the “Aging in Place” program. The Netherlands team gave a presentation on the “Buurtzorg” model of care. After the presentations, their Royal Highnesses had a pleasant talk with members of the “Creating workplaces for seniors” group, staff at Cocofump Toyoshikidai who are working to construct a comprehensive community-based care system. Pictures are from the day’s events. Please click here for details.