
9月13日 NHK「週刊ニュース深読み」で〈生きがい就労〉が紹介されました

この日のテーマは「健康寿命に注目!! ”幸齢パワー”を引き出せるか」。




On September 13th a segment called “Senior citizens’ new community career models” was featured on the NHK TV Program “Weekly NEWS FUKAYOMI”

The theme of the day was “Healthy Lifespans!” “Is it possible to draw from the power of the elderly?”
The topic of the day was to maximize the power of the active elderly and consider how it could be given back to society.
New community career models for senior citizens, which the IOG, the Urban Renaissance Agency, and Kashiwa city have been addressing, were also discussed.

Program website is here