
9月25日 第2回イヴニング・サロン開催のお知らせ

evening_salon_icon夕方のライブラリ(工学部8号館7階702)に集まり、飲んだり食べたりしながら、 その日の話題提供者の話をもとにソフトなディスカッションを……
そんな、ざっくばらんな会がイヴニング・サロンです。 好評だった第1回に続き、2回目の話題提供者は株式会社LIXILの笈田幹弘氏。


日時  9月25日(木)19時から21時
場所  工学部8号館7階702(ライブラリ)
会費  1000円(アルコール含む軽食を若干用意します)

詳しくはこちらのファイルをご覧ください(PDF 88KB)

evening_salon_iconThe “Evening Salon” is an opportunity for participants to get together in the GLAFS Library, room 702 on the 7th floor of Engineering Building #8,
and have light discussions based on the topic of the day, which is determined by the speaker.

Following the well-received 1st Evening Salon, the speaker for the second Salon will be Mikihiro Oida from LIXIL Corporation
with the theme “What is the house like where people are able to continue to live until the old age ?”

No advance reservation is necessary. Please feel free to drop by.

Date and Time: September 25th (Thursday) 19:00~21:00
Place: Room 702 on the 7th floor of Engineering Building #8
Fee: 1000 JPY (Refreshments including alcohol will be served.)

Please refer to this file for details. (The file is written in Japanese.PDF 88KB)