9月13日 第2回「高齢社会検定試験」が行われました
一般社団法人高齢社会検定協会(会長・小宮山宏 代表理事・秋山弘子)が主催する第2回高齢社会検定試験が、敬老の日を前に駒場キャンパスで実施されました。 受験者は20代からシニアまで250人。 高齢化による影響を最も受けやすい銀行や生命保険会社はもちろんのこと、行政や自治体関係者にとっても必須の知識を問うこの試験、会場には柏市の秋山浩保市長の姿もありました。 | |
9月14日付の朝日新聞朝刊にも取り上げられました 朝日新聞の記事はこちら(PDF) | |
会場となった駒場キャンパス1号館 | |
試験室案内紙面 | |
試験室風景 |
The second annual Aging Society Certification Exam was hosted by the General Incorporated Association for the Examination of Aging Societies (Chairman Hiroshi Komiyama, Executive Director Hiroko Akiyama) at Komaba Campus on Respect for the Aged Day. The 250 examinees ranged in age from individuals in their 20s to the elderly.The certificate exam inquired about essential knowledge, and included not only bank and life insurance companies, which could easily be affected by an aging population, but also public administration and town information. Kashiwa city mayor Hiroshi Akiyama was present at the site. |
The Certificate Exam was included in the Asahi newspaper on September 14th. Please refer to the Asahi Newspaper article for detail.(PDF) | |
The examination was held in Building #1 at the Komaba campus | |
The exam room guide | |
The exam room |