
2月13日 高齢者の終末期にむけた意思決定支援方法の検討


共同研究の目的:「近年、高齢者が認知能力や身体能力が低下し、十分なコミュニケーションが取れなくなる前に高齢者本人の価値観や意思を明示しておく事前指示書 (Advance directive)を作成しておくことが推奨される。事前指示書 の普及に向け、高齢者に必要な支援について検討することを目的とする」

2015年2月13日には、この改訂作業にあたり、専門家の先生方の意見をいただく、会議を開催。「ノートを記載することは、高齢者本人のためであるというよりも、意思のはっきりしない高齢者に向き合う医療者のため、あるいは家族のためであることを打ち出すべきではないか」というご意見や、「ノートの改訂にあたっては、地域の医師会などと連携して、内容はもちろん、 そのネットワークを築くべきであろう」など、多くのご意見をいただいた。
共同研究グループ1の教員と院生による講座「くるるセミナー 高齢期の暮らしと健康を考える」開催記事はこちら

Collaborative Group Research #1, “End of Life Decision Making Support System for Elderly Individuals”

Collaborative research objective: In recent years, elderly individuals have been recommended to indicate their wishes in an Advance Directive before their mental capabilities, physical abilities, and adequate communication skills decline. The objective of this research is the investigation of necessary support for older adults to promote the use of Advance Directives.

The number of elderly individuals indicating their wishes following their death or for their funeral in a document is increasing. The “My Wishes Notebook” developed by Shonan Comprehensive Community-based Support Center in Kashiwa city is one such example of this document. Research Group 1 is conducting research into how to make the document easy for older adults to understand, easy for health-care professionals and family members who receive the document to make decisions, and to make it user-friendly overall.
On February 13, the collaborative research group held a meeting to gather comments from experts regarding revision of the document. Comments included, “isn’t it better to inform people that recording information in the document isn’t so much about the elderly individual themselves as it is clearly communicating to health care providers and family members desires and wishes at a time when people cannot clearly communicate?” Another individual stated, “We should build a network connecting local medical associations to revise the document and the nature of the contents.”
Follow-up report, Collaborative Research Project #1: Considering Methods of Supporting Decision-making is here