



その後、グループのメンバーは拠点となるスペースの大掃除を行った。特に、他の研究で野外に置かれていたベンチを屋内で活用するにあたって、汚れを拭き取る作業が最も大変だった。作業後、荒木のベンチにカラフルな座布団を敷いたところ、座り心地もよく、内部工事をする前の殺風景な空間とは打って変わって心地よいスペースに様変わりした。今後、この拠点を活用して、豊四季台の住民と共に、様々なコミュニティ活動を考え、立ち上げていきたい。(人文社会系研究科修士1年 張ヘウォン)
core_semi_20150207_1 ベンチのさびと汚れをスクラブ。
core_semi_20150207_2 ありがたき差し入れ、柏駅米物のたいやき。
core_semi_20150207_3 一生懸命に掃除中。
core_semi_20150207_4 チラシ配りの作戦図。豊四季団地を渉猟する。
core_semi_20150207_5 自然感が溢れる拠点の完成。今後のイベントの一つとして企画されている「DIY講座」に今回の「ベンチ制作」を取り入れることになった。
core_semi_20150207_6 近々開催されるイベント「脳と体チャレンジ」のポスターをシャッターに貼る。作業は夜まで続く……。

Group considering “Facilitation of community activities”(2)

Collaborative research objective: “Developing tools to create a better community through supporting various community activities and providing feedback”

Collaborative Research Group #4, whose research theme is “Facilitation of Community Activities” is based in a vacant shop located on the corner of a shopping avenue at Toyoshikidai Apartment Complex, and is scheduled to launch numerous community activities.
On February 7, five students and four assistant professors of this group cleaned up the vacant space from the indoor renovation, and visited every store within the shopping avenue door to door greeting, “our group will be holding a variety of events in the future. Thank you very much in advance.” Participants were then divided into three groups, and the groups posted flyers for “Brain and Body Challenges,” an event scheduled for February 15 and 24, onto every door of the apartment complex. This was a good opportunity to understand the living environment of the community
residents. Before the events took place, the group undertook some major housecleaning. We worked to clean off the rust and smudges from the wooden benches which had been left outside for the purpose of another research. After the cleaning, we placed colorful cushions over the benches, making it instantly more comfortable to sit on and transforming the space from cold and dull to cozy and inviting. The group will continue to organize and launch various community activities in order to motivate and assist residents to cope with the community’s issues, by making use of this space.
(Hyewon Jang, 1st year master’s student from the Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology)
core_semi_20150207_1 We scrubbed the smudges and the rust off the bench.
core_semi_20150207_2 Taiyaki Care Package
core_semi_20150207_3 Still scrubbing those benches!
core_semi_20150207_4 Map of Toyoshikidai Apartment Complex, used when handing out flyers.
core_semi_20150207_5 Community space is now available for use; the space now has a more natural feeling. To improve the space even further, one of the future scheduled events will be “DIY courses: How to Make Bookshelves and Wall Hangers”
core_semi_20150207_6 Putting up the poster for the upcoming “Brain and Body Challenges”; the work continued until night.
Please see here:Group considering “Facilitation of community activities” October 13, 2014(1)