


共同研究の目的:「人生の最後まで“その人らしい人生を送る”サポートをするため、人間が生きる根本である「食と栄養」に着目。高齢者の食と栄養について多様な視点 (高齢者、介護者、医師、看護師、歯科医師等)を織り交ぜて網羅的に調査し、高齢者が好きなものを、介護者に負担無く提供できる手段を提唱すること」

高齢者の食事を実際に作ってみようと実地体験に臨んだのは「高齢者の食と栄養の研究」グループ。訪れたのはJR御茶ノ水駅近くの「Kamulier(カムリエ)」という歯科機器メーカーが経営するコンセプトショールームだ。 ‘噛むこと・飲み込むことを総合的にサポートする’目的で2013年秋にオープンした。ここでは咀嚼力や嚥下機能が落ちてきた人でも家族と一緒に食卓を囲めるようなレシピ(介護食ではなく「やわらか食」と呼んでいる)を取り入れて、料理教室も開いている。年末が近いこともあり、グループはこの料理教室でお正月メニューに挑戦した。
k2 一般の参加者に混ざって作り方の説明を聴くコース生たち。
k3 説明の後は実際に自分たちで作ってみる。咀嚼機能低下を補助するためのフードプロセッサーと、飲み込みやすくするための食材(片栗粉、寒天等)は欠かせない。
k5 この日のメニュー、「お雑煮」「抹茶ムース」「紅白野菜の白和え」「松風焼き柚子あんかけ」(写真左下から時計回り)。視覚的にも細かな配慮が行き届いている。
k6 ショールームに入るとまず目につくのが、持ちやすさ、食べやすさを考慮したユニバーサルデザインの食器類。
k7 店の奥には口腔内の健康をサポートする目的で歯ブラシ、義歯用ブラシ、フロスがずらりと並ぶ。


Research Group: Food and Nutrition for the Elderly

Collaborative Research Objective: This group focuses on food and nutrition, the root of human life, to support leading life in preferred ways until the end of life. Through integration of many different perspectives related to elderly life (elderly individuals, caretakers, doctors, nurses, dentists, etc.), this research aims to propose recipes for foods which elderly people would like to eat, but which are not a burden for caretakers to produce.

The research group visited a concept showroom called “Kamulier” near JR Ochanomizu station run by a dental equipment maker. There, the research group participated in hands-on cooking to prepare dishes for the elderly. “Kamulier” opened in the fall of the year 2013 with the objective of producing foods which are easy to chew and swallow. “Kamulier” provides cooking classes and recipes intended for older adults with weakening bite abilities and abilities to swallow. The recipes, referred to as “soft food” instead of “nursing care food” are introduced so that older adults are able to sit around a table and enjoy meals with family. Since the research group visited near the end of the year, participants tried recipes for a New Year’s menu. After two hours, the group had cooked rice cake soup, green tea powdered mousse, shiraae (tofu and vegetables in a sesame sauce) with red and white vegetables, and matsukazeyaki with yuzu (Japanese citron) in a starchy sauce.

The recipes were not only soft, but were also visually appealing in addition to being elderly-friendly. Ms. Takase, a GLAFS course student, said, “the rice cake soup dissolved on my tongue and was easy to swallow. I’ve heard that rice cakes which are easy for older adults to eat are commercially available in the market, so I would like to compare this recipe with those.”

The group gathers information by observing eating environments and speech therapist training sessions, and by participating in exhibitions and conferences related to nursing care food.

From now on, they aspire to suggest measures which can provide elderly-friendly food without placing a burden on caregivers. The group next plans to survey commercially available nursing care food in west Tokyo.

k2 GLAFS course students and regular Kamulier students listening to an explanation.
k3 After the demonstration, participants tried making some dishes for the elderly. A food processor (which makes up for masticatory function decline) and ingredients which make the dishes easy to swallow are essential.
The recipe for rice cake soup begins by slicing and melting rice cakes. Then, water and Chinese yam are strained and added. This makes the rice cake soup retain the taste of rice while also making the dish easy to swallow. The mixture is pureed with a blender and decorated with vegetables. Broth is poured over the top, and the dish is complete.
k5 The menu of the day was rice cake soup, green tea powdered mousse, shiraae (tofu and vegetables in a sesame sauce) with red and white vegetables, and matsukazeyaki with yuzu (Japanese citron) in a starchy sauce.
k6 What attracted our attention upon entering the showroom was the variety of tableware designed to be easy to hold and easy to use.
k7 In the back of the showroom, there was an array of toothbrushes, brushes for dentures, and dental floss.