
1月15日 第7回イヴニングサロン・リポート

ev7_1 第7回イヴニングサロンでは、GLAFSコース生の安藤絵美子さん(医学系研究科博士1年)と吉田真悟さん(農学生命科学研究科修士1年)に話題提供をしていただきました。
ev7_2 安藤さんのテーマは、「自分でつくるすこやかなこころとからだ――リラクセーション基本のキ――」。高齢者を支える人を支えるためのツールとして、「プチメンタル不調への対処としてのリラクセーション」を紹介してくれました。

リラクセーションとは、副交感神経の働きを促進させ、心と体の緊張を和らげるもの。そのようなリラクセーションのプログラムのうち、①比較的健康状態を気にせずできる、②非医療者でも提供できる、③いつでもどこでもできるものとして、「呼吸法」と「漸進的筋弛緩法」が挙げられます。これらの具体的な方法や効果についての実演をまじえたレクチャーを受けて、参加者はその場で実践してみました。会場全体にリラックスしたムードが広がるとともに、不思議と一体感のようなものが生まれました。 ディスカッションでは、このリラクセーションの方法をどうやって広げていくか、アプリを使って普及できないか等について、話が盛り上がりました。

ev7_4 吉田さんのテーマは、「農業哲学Cafeのススメ」。イヴニングサロンには、世代を超えて様々な分野・産業に携わる人たちが集まります。そうした多様なバックグラウンドを持つ人たちが農業についてどのようなことを考えているのか、それを共有する議論の場を作ってみたいという思いから、話題提供をしてくれました。










ev7_1 Ms. Emiko Ando, first year doctoral course GLAFS student, and Mr. Shingo Yoshida, first year master course GLAFS student, gave talks at the 7th Evening Salon.
ev7_2 The theme of Ms. Ando’s presentation was “Creating a sound body and mind—The basics of relaxation” and she introduced relaxation methods for coping with “mini mental disorders.”
Relaxation methods promote parasympathetic nerve functions and ease tension in one’s body and mind.
These methods include breathing methods and progressive muscle relaxation methods which anyone can try, regardless of their health condition.
Non-healthcare professionals can provide these methods, and anyone can try them anytime and anywhere.
Participants practiced on the spot after being provided with lectures and demonstrations of specific methods and their effects.
There was a relaxed, cozy atmosphere and a sense of unity among all participants.
Discussions on how to expand these relaxation methods through application were very lively.
ev7_4 The theme of Mr. Yoshida’s presentation was his recommendation of an “Agriculture Philosophy Café”. Participants from a variety of fields, industries, and generations attend the GLAFS Evening Salons. Mr. Yoshida gave a talk describing how he would like to offer a place where discussions can be held to find out what participants with various backgrounds think about the concept of “agriculture.”
The objective of an agriculture philosophy café is to provide opportunities for participants to raise questions and develop their thinking. Participants are able to enjoy the process of changing their thinking by listening to the discussion, which is conducted at a slow pace.
Various topics regarding agriculture were discussed, including the decreasing food self-sufficiency ratio, deserted cultivated land, the various functions of agriculture, and the absence of successors in the agricultural field. There were many questions regarding these issues from participants, as indicated below.
1. What kinds of agricultural products should be produced, and how many of them should Japan be responsible for?
2. How can farms produce safe food?
3. Should the principle of market mechanisms be introduced in agricultural industry?
4. How can we provide people with agricultural experiences that are not agricultural labor?
5. How should we foster successors in the agricultural industry?
6. How can we introduce topics to people in urban areas and help them start thinking about agriculture in their own lives?
7. Is agriculture a necessary industry for Japan?
Participants chose one “question” to talk about by picking one question from the above or by integrating a number of questions.
For instance, a question like, “how can we encourage people in urban areas to maintain agricultural businesses?” arises if we combine questions #4, #5, and #6.
Due to limited time, participants were not able to talk about all of the issues, however, through the processes of brainstorming questions and integrating them, participants had to revise fundamental aspects of their ideas, which was very exciting and inspiring.