

evening_salon_icon 第7回は、GLAFSコース生の安藤絵美子さん(博士1年)と吉田真悟さん(修士1年)に、以下の要領で話題提供をしていただきます。事前の参加申込み等は不要です。多くの皆様のご参加を心よりお待ちしております。

日時 2015年1月15日(木)19時から21時
場所 工学部8号館7階702(ライブラリ)
会費 1000円(アルコール含む軽食を若干用意します)GLAFSコース生は無料

テーマ(1)「自分で作る、すこやかなこころとからだ―リラクセーションの基本のキ」安藤絵美子さん(医学系研究科 博士1年)

テーマ(2)「『あなたにとっての農業とは何ですか?』農業哲学カフェで考えてみましょう」吉田真悟さん(農学生命科学研究科 修士1年)

evening_salon_icon Ms. Emiko Ando, first year doctoral course GLAFS student and Mr. Shingo Yoshida, first year master course GLAFS student will give a talk at 7th Evening Salon as indicated below.No advance reservation is necessary. We look forward your participation.Thank you.

Date: January 15th, 2014 (Thursday) 19:00~21:00

Venue: GLAFS Communication Library, Room 702 on the 7th floor of Engineering Building #

Fee: 1000 JPY (Refreshments including alcohol will be served.) Free of charge for GLAFS students.

Theme #1 “Creating a sound body and mind—The basics of relaxation” by Emiko Ando, first year doctoral student, Graduate School of Medicine
Overview: Self-care is very important for coping flexibly with stress and realizing well-being. I would like to practice relaxation methods which anyone can try, regardless of age or health condition. I would also like to hear your comments and suggestions.

Theme #2 “What is ‘Agriculture’ for you?” Let’s think about it at an ‘Agriculture philosophy café’” by Shingo Yoshida from the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Overview: Today I would like to make an interactive, conversational presentation in a style called “Philosophy café,” not in a traditional lecture style. At a philosophy cafe, each participant raises one question to develop his or her thinking. I chose the above theme in order to provide that “question.” and challenges, such as “Why do people oppose TPP?”, , “What is life with agriculture like?”, “What problems does the agricultural community face?” and “Should the ‘farm family’ be protected?” I myself do not have the answer to the ‘question’ at all, however, I would like to provide an introductory explanation and stand at the starting line along with you.