
12月18日 第6回イヴニングサロン・リポート

ev6_1 日韓のそれぞれの労働法制を素材として、定年制に関する両国の比較がなされました。具体的には、日本で2012年に「高年齢者等の雇用の安定等に関する法律」が改正され、「継続雇用制度」の対象者を労使協定で限定できる仕組みの廃止が決まったこと。一方、韓国では2013年に「雇用上年齢差別禁止及び高齢者雇用促進法」が改正され、60歳以上の定年制が初めて義務化されたこと。加えて、労働者に不利益になるよう就業規則を変更する場合、日韓の判例及び立法には重要な相違があることなどが詳しく説明されました。
ev6_2 ディスカッションでは、定年の年齢と年金の受給開始年齢との結び付きや定年の引き上げによる若年者雇用への影響についての指摘、定年制を持たないアメリカを引き合いに出して、定年制は年齢差別なのではないか、高齢でも元気な人が多いのではないかといった、制度そのものに対する疑問が投げかけられました。これをうけて、定年制を社会システム全体の中に位置付けた上で、その適切なあり方を検討する必要性が強く認識されるなど、参加者の年齢層が多様であったこともあって、活発な議論となりました。

The presenter of the last “Evening Salon” in 2014 was GLAFS Assistant Professor Hyosook Park. The theme of the day was “Elderly Employment—Taking examples of mandatory retirement systems from Japan and Korea.”
ev6_1 A comparative study on mandatory retirement systems in Japan and Korea was conducted (based on labor legislation laws in both countries).Specifically, the Act for Stabilization of the Employment of Elderly Persons was amended in 2012, and the framework of limiting those who are eligible for the Continuous Employment System via a labor-management agreement is planned for abolishment. On the other hand, in Korea the Act on the Prohibition of Age Discrimination in Employment and Elderly Employment Promotion was amended, and the mandatory retirement system for individuals 60 years of age and older was established. Also, in cases where it is required to change rules of employment to the detriment of workers, there are major differences between judicial precedents and legislative processes in Japan and Korea. Such issues were explained in detail.
ev6_2 Discussions included the connection between the mandatory retirement age and pension eligibility age. Also discussed was the impact of raising the compulsory retirement age on the employment of young people. By looking at the example of the U.S., where there is no mandatory retirement age, points such as, “is a mandatory retirement system a discrimination against age?” and, “there are many capable older adults,” were raised against the system itself. By positioning the mandatory retirement system in the overall social system, it is very important to consider how to move forward. There were lively discussions among the various age groups.