4月21日 新藤義孝総務大臣が豊四季台団地を視察。柏市、東京大学、UR都市機構で進めてきた (1)「いつまでも在宅で安心して生活できるまち~在宅医療の推進」 (2)「いつまでも元気で活躍できるまち~高齢者の生きがい就労の創成」 を柱とするプロジェクト「長寿社会のまちづくり」について、意見を交換。 東京大学高齢社会総合研究機構からは鎌田実・前機構長が出席し、「生きがい就労の創成」について説明しました。 また、4月24日には参議院厚生労働委員会による視察団をお迎えしました。
On April 21st, Minister Yoshitaka Shindo visited the Toyoshikidai housing complex and shared his opinions regarding the “Town Development for a Long-Lived Society” project in Kashiwa.The project focuses on the following objectives:
- Promotion of home medical care services so that elderly individuals can live at home as long as they like.
- The creation of a career model for senior citizens so that they may participate actively in the community as long as they like.
Professor Kamata, former Director of the IOG, attended the event and explained the new model for senior citizen careers in the community. Additionally, on April 24th, the IOG welcomed the Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Labor for a site visit.