



世界のトップクラス11研究大学による教育研究の連携推進をめざす、大学間ネットワークIARU(国際研究型大学連合)では、「Aging, Longevity, and Health」を主要研究テーマに、各大学で加齢、老化、社会の高齢化に関する研究に取り組んでいる教員、学生が毎年研究交流をしています。GLAFSの学生も、毎年IARU ALH研究チームが開催するサマースクールやシンポジウムに参加したり、ワークショップをGLAFSで主催するなど積極的に参加しています。
今年はシンガポール国立大学Center for Ageing Research and Educationの主催で10月17日にシンポジウムが開催されました。Rogie Royce Carandangさん(GLAFS3期生・医学系研究科博士課程3年)が大学院生の発表者に選ばれ、自身がフィリピンで主導している研究の成果を発表しました。また、秋山弘子特任教授が、千葉県柏市で実施している実践型研究の取り組みについて講演しました。


Rogie Royce Carandang 医学系研究科国際保健専攻 博士課程3年

I learned a lot of things from the scientific presentations, poster sessions and roundtable discussions. The scientific presentations were encompassing which covers many different aspects of aging, from the biomolecular level to theories and practice. What I liked most was the discussion about translating research into practice. We know many things about aging but what is missing is the application of our knowledge in the community. By doing action research, through a bottom-up approach, we can make a difference in the quality of life of older adults. I also had a great time meeting old faces. Since the University of Tokyo hosted IARU two years ago and APRU last year, I was able to meet my old friends and colleagues in IARU Singapore. Also, since the organizers invited many community partners, agencies, and academic institutions, we were able to have significant and productive roundtable discussions. We discussed aging issues related to health and longevity, employability, and housing. Overall, the 3-day conference was worth the time and a valuable opportunity to learn, engage, and share to others what we have done so far.

ポスター会場でのRogie Royce Carandangさん