


柏市と東京大学高齢社会総合研究機構、独立行政法人都市再生機構で構成する「豊四季台地域高齢社会総合研究会」(三者研究会)が連携のための協定を締結してから5年。この度、その有効期間が終了することから、新たに変更協定が結ばれました。過去5年間の成果や今後の計画等を反映し、「生活支援サービスに関すること」「健康づくり・介護予防に関すること」の2点を追加。「住み慣れた場所で自分らしく老いることのできるまちづくり: Aging in Place」に向けて、さらに3年間活動していくことが決まりました。締結内容の詳細はこちらからご覧ください。
20150512_sansyaken 写真左から、独立行政法人都市再生機構東日本賃貸住宅本部関東地域担当本部長 守安雅志氏、柏市長 秋山浩保氏、東京大学高齢社会総合研究機構 大方潤一郎機構長

<the Institute of Gerontology at The University of Tokyo Concluded an Amended Agreement with Kashiwa City and the Urban Renaissance Agency>

It has been five years since Kashiwa City, The Institute of Gerontology at the University of Tokyo, and the Urban Renaissance Agency formed “The Toyoshikidai Three-party Research Agreement between Kashiwa City, the University of Tokyo, and the Urban Renaissance Agency” in order to promote collaborations. The initial period established for the agreement is drawing to a close, and thus a new agreement modifying the original agreement was established. The agreement includes two added articles: an article regarding lifestyle support services for the elderly and an article regarding health promotion and care prevention. Kashiwa City, the IOG, and the UR will engage in “Aging in Place” activities over the coming three years so that elderly people will be able to continue to live and age in their own home towns.
Please refer to the below link for details of the agreement.
20150512_sansyaken Photo (from left): General Manager Masashi Moriyasu from the Urban Renaissance Agency, Kashiwa City Mayor Hiroyasu Akiyama, and Director Junichiro Okata of the Institute of Gerontology, the University of Tokyo