
3月30日 華東政法大学訪問団が来校されました



Visit from East China University of Political Science and Law

Visit from East China University of Political Science and Law, March 30
A group from East China University of Political Science and Law (ECUPL) visited on March 30. The University is located in Shanghai, China. In 2011, ECUPL launched a research center for aging societies. Since then, the University has been working to advance research on legal systems and policies for aged societies. The aim of the visit was to further research on the movement of laws relevant to the elderly in Japan and the present circumstances of support for elderly individuals and their families. Faculty of Law Professor Norio Higuchi and GLAFS Project Professors Nishigami, Park, and Hatanaka received the visitors. The visit included discussions on a variety of topics, including support systems for families and communities, which is an issue common to both Japan and China.