3月20日 茅ヶ崎市と「豊かな長寿社会コンソーシアム協定」を締結しました
茅ヶ崎市協定締結式。左から文教大学大学院国際学研究科長・藤井美文氏、茅ヶ崎商工会議所会頭・山口利通氏、東京大学高齢社会総合研究機構 機構長・大方潤一郎教授、茅ヶ崎市長・服部信明氏、茅ヶ崎医師会会長・丸山徳二氏、慶應義塾大学SFC研究所上席所員・秋山美紀氏。 | |
the IOG concluded the “Prosperous Long-lived Society Consortium Agreement” with Chigasaki City.On March 20, the IOG concluded the “Prosperous Long-lived Society Consortium Agreement”with Chigasaki City. The objective of this consortium was to create the services needed by the community in anticipation of the year 2025, when the baby boomer generation will reach elderly age. These services are to be provided by private operators, civil offices, and administrative offices, and aim to link academia with industry, as well as public and private sectors. The IOG will promote a platform for social activities for senior citizens following retirement, a system for social participation in older age. After concluding the agreement, Director Okata conducted training for municipal employees. Please refer to the below link for details of the consortium. |
Signing Ceremony for Consortium Agreement with Chigasaki City.
Yoshifumi Fujii, Dean at Bunkyo University, Faculty of International Studies Toshimichi Yamaguchi, President of Chigasaki City Chamber of Commerce Junichiro Okata, Director of IOG, Nobuaki Hattori, Mayor of Chigasaki City Tokuji Maruyama, President of Chigasaki City Medical Association Miki Akiyama, Associate Professor, Keio Research Institute at SFC (Photo from left to right) |