2014年4月5日(土)午後2時から、GLAFSの開講式が工学部11号館講堂で行われました。 新入コース生をはじめ、副学長、教授、特任研究員、特任助教授他、大勢が集い盛況の中で式は終了。 懇親会では教授陣と生徒達と忌憚のない意見交換が行われました。
On Saturday, April 5th, 2014, the GLAFS opening ceremony was held in Engineering Building #11 at 2PM.
The successful ceremony was attended by many people, including the vice president, professors, project assistant professors, project researchers, and new students.
Following the ceremony, the professors and new students enjoyed lively conversation regarding the new course at a kick-off party.